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Globe Joined January 2018

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

7 years ago0.014 SBD, 0.002 STEEM and 0.013 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/lifeaftergooglebanexpertsweighinonthefutureofcrypto-vx3r39sbn6
7 years ago0.012 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.010 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/mayorofseoulannouncescitycryptocurrency-f9nuoix144
7 years ago0.010 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.009 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/thaiministryoffinanceannounces7taxoncryptotrades15onreturns-qd3fc29s5z
7 years ago0.013 SBD, 0.002 STEEM and 0.013 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/exclusivefacebooktolaunchitsowncryptocurrencywithmassiveico-3vleee2nsa
7 years ago0.012 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.010 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/oscaimsforblockchainregulationthatwontoverburdeninnovators-w77o3xj8yu
7 years ago0.016 SBD, 0.002 STEEM and 0.015 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/attemptstosellmassiveamountsofbtcreported-mtgoxselloffsuspected-hfqflbpglf
7 years ago0.010 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.009 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/takeitorleaveitfuturetechnologicalchallengesforphotostocks-yr4bs3eht7
7 years ago0.008 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.009 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/blockchain-baseddiamondexchangecedexlaunchestokenpre-sale-ryg7sro79z
7 years ago0.013 SBD, 0.002 STEEM and 0.012 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/banreversalapproachingpbocsnewgovernorisinspiredbybitcoin-ar8q7e8qob
7 years ago0.014 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.011 STEEM POWER for allcryptonews/76ofthisyearsicosarealreadyunderwater-zl5yoyktct