
Only you decides your future, no one else can. Don't think you need to be like anyone but be yourself cause you are the main character in the story of your life

Nigeria, africa Joined June 2017

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

4 years ago0.033 SBD and 0.031 STEEM POWER for arcticfoe/feeding-on-fear-poem
4 years ago0.058 SBD and 0.054 STEEM POWER for arcticfoe/feeding-on-our-fear-poem
6 years ago0.015 SBD and 0.048 STEEM POWER for arcticfoe/who-will-rule-nigeria-is-nigeria-ready-leave-change-and-develop
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.045 STEEM and 0.054 STEEM POWER for arcticfoe/daily-facts-you-are-who-you-say-you-want-to-be