Joe C. Whisper

Autor, Kritiker, Kolumnist, Künstler und Privatforscher

NEW EUROPA Joined January 2018

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

9 months ago0.476 SBD, 1.732 STEEM and 3.536 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/youtube-can-do-verbrecherorganisation-verfassungsfeinde-loeschen-ohne-vorherige-ankuendigung-meinen-kanal
last year0.011 SBD and 0.038 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/atomlager-gorleben-rakete-russland-effektive-atommuellentsorgung-hohoho
last year0.010 SBD and 0.032 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/taurus-rakete-trifft-tesla-strommast-hohoho
last year0.000 SBD, 0.079 STEEM and 0.082 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/bauern-wollen-strommasten-und-windkraftraeder-zerstoeren-hohoho
last year0.000 SBD, 0.047 STEEM and 0.048 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/huthis-wollen-unterwasserkommunikationspipeline-zerstoeren-hohoho
last year0.000 SBD, 0.026 STEEM and 0.027 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/faschismus-2-0-video-gespraech-mit-ullrich-mies
last year0.000 SBD, 0.056 STEEM and 0.058 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/funkmast-strom-frankfurt-von-joe-c-whisper
last year0.000 SBD, 0.032 STEEM and 0.033 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/erreger-von-joe-c-whisper
last year0.000 SBD, 0.031 STEEM and 0.033 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/drahtseilakt-jcw
2 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.022 STEEM and 0.023 STEEM POWER for joe-c-whisper/wenn-mehrfachgeimpfte-tierquaeler-geld-brauchen-arschloch-ueberlebt-hohoho