Seeking Soul

An Optimist Soul is here to en-light the world with the magics of love, peace & tranquility.

Pakistan Joined December 2017

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

7 years ago1.122 SBD, 0.274 STEEM and 1.068 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/the19mostpettyhilariousvenmotransactionsever-57cl23ehvc
7 years ago0.015 SBD, 0.001 STEEM and 0.010 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/bridecatchesherfiancsleepingwithherbridesmaidandtellstheinsanestoryin20perfecttweets-4ad23swnnb
7 years ago0.019 SBD and 0.007 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/20peopleexposethedumbestthingstheyveeverdonetoimpressacrush-elwagllw3o
7 years ago0.026 SBD and 0.010 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/19peoplerevealthereasontheysaidnoafterapublicmarriageproposal-wwbvv4e3sd
7 years ago0.012 SBD and 0.004 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/50inspirationalyogaquotessayings-xguda7lda8
7 years ago0.016 SBD and 0.005 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/20bestyoucandoitmemesthatare100encouraging-36uhpg4x0r
7 years ago0.017 SBD and 0.007 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/disabledmanisinundatedwithjoboffersafterholdingsignontheroadaskingforwork-0qv12euk1y
7 years ago0.045 SBD and 0.019 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/manextendshugekindnesstomomofscreamingkidsafterstrangerdidthesameforhim-5ngcxdq4v3
7 years ago0.022 SBD and 0.013 STEEM POWER for seekingsoul/strangersetsoffincrediblechainofgooddeedsthatsaved6lives-2ahzjh25tu