Teuku Saiful Muddas...

Graphic Design | AneukWorld

Aceh, Sumatera instagram.com/tsaifulm Joined June 2017

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

7 years ago0.016 SBD and 0.015 STEEM POWER for tsteem/handsome-handsome-2017822t19151102z
7 years ago0.015 SBD and 0.015 STEEM POWER for tsteem/we-dont-care-script-2017822t145632986z
8 years ago0.183 SBD and 0.199 STEEM POWER for tsteem/creation-of-aceh-fried-noodle-2017811t214222851z
8 years ago0.019 SBD and 0.022 STEEM POWER for tsteem/malliora-greater-than-hand-lettering-2017811t20232565z
8 years ago0.048 SBD and 0.051 STEEM POWER for tsteem/breakfast-with-apam-and-putu-201789t1052154z
8 years ago0.015 SBD and 0.017 STEEM POWER for tsteem/the-beauty-of-the-lhoknga-coast-201788t20554159z
8 years ago0.242 SBD and 0.232 STEEM POWER for tsteem/beautiful-but-prickly-201785t2339193z
8 years ago0.259 SBD and 0.248 STEEM POWER for tsteem/pulot-hijau-green-sticky-rice-201785t20658266z
8 years ago0.319 SBD and 0.292 STEEM POWER for tsteem/the-payeh-shrimp-pepes-201781t233436420z
8 years ago0.259 SBD and 0.245 STEEM POWER for tsteem/beach-noodle-at-lhoknga-aceh-besar-aceh-2017730t20855654z